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Chinese translation for "facial tissue"


Related Translations:
facial:  adj.面部的,颜面的。n.〔美俚〕面部按摩;美容。 a facial layer 表面的一层。 facial expression 面部表情。
facial angle:  颜面角;(结晶的)面角。
facial cream:  雪花膏;香脂。
facial neuralgia:  【医学】面神经痛。
facial nerve:  面神经。
facial index:  (测定面部长宽比率的)面长指数。
tissue:  n.1.薄绢,薄纱罗(等织物)。2.薄纸,棉纸 (=tissue-paper)。3.(编造的谎话等的)一套,一连串。4.【摄影】碳素印像纸。5.【生物学】组织。短语和例子toilet tissue 手纸,卫生纸。 the muscular tissue 肌肉组织。 the nervous tissue 神经组织。
formative tissue:  [layer] 【生物学】形成组织[层]。
tissue paper:  薄绉纸,纱纸。
vascular tissue:  【植物;植物学】导管组织;【动物;动物学】脉管组织。
Example Sentences:
1.Boxed facial tissue for industrial and institutional use
2.Don ' t use facial tissues to clean your nose
3.She wiped off the sweat from her face with a piece of facial tissue
4.The free space of the container will full up with cartons with facials tissues from paper factory the same design as before
5.Slitting non - wovens , toilet paper , plastics and so on to meet the need of paper - hankerchief , tissue , box - type facial tissue , napkins machine
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